For this week you can keep on practicing some expressions related to opposites and counting.
First, watch the story and songs to learn the expressions and then play building a tower while the music plays (like Steve and his daughters do in the second video) or simply trying to make the biggest one.
Try to use the words PLEASE and THANK YOU to ask for the blocks and when you are done, describe the tower saying IT IS BIG and SMALL. Finally you can count HOW MANY BLOCKS ARE THERE?, but most of all, enjoy playing together.
Per aquesta setmana anirà bé que seguiu practicant amb els oposats i comptar. Primer mirau la història i les cançons per aprendre les expressions. Després jugau a constriuir una torre mentre sona la música (com fa l'Steve amb les seves filletes al segon video) o simplement intentant fer-la el més gran que podeu.
Intentau emprar les paraules PLEASE and THANK YOU! per demanar els blocks i en acabar deis IT IS BIG/SMALL (gran/petit) per descriure les torres. Comptau també en anglès quants blocs heu emprat HOW MANY BLOCKS ARE THERE?.. Però sobretot disfrutau jugant junts.
You can also use cereals, playdough,.. També podreu emprar cereals, plastilina..
If you like, take pictures of your towers to share with us.
Si us ve de gust podeu fer fotos de les torres que heu fet i ens les compartiu.
Cheers! Gràcies.
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